Proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ to the world is what we are all about. We give 10% of our receipts to various missions and ministries locally and globally. Listed below are just a few of our Mission partners.

  • Allison Ngo griffin

    Allison is a missionary working with The Justice Foundation which is a non-profit public interest litigation firm.    Her various ministries involve providing legal resources and training to help women who have been unduly pressured, forced or coerced into an unwanted abortion.  The ministry provides training to lawyers, police officers, school counselors, pregnancy centers and student groups all around country.  They estimate they have saved around 2000 babies annually.   Another aspect of her ministry is providing amicus briefs to the Supreme Court  in efforts to overturn Roe V Wade and Doe V Bolton.   2% of our receipts help Allison be our advocate in Washington, DC.

  • Jim and Rachel Jobe

    Jim and Rachel serve as Church Planters in Papua through Ethnos 360.  They have been living in Papua for over 10 years and have three children.  They are native Texans and graduates of Texas A&M University as well as the New Tribes Missionary Training center.  2% of our receipts are sent to the Jobe family so they can minister to the people of Papua.


    The primary services provided by Care Net are pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, case management, parenting and life-skills classes, baby/maternity supplies, and housing during and after pregnancy. Care Net services are free of charge, thanks to donations from the community.  1% or our receipts assist Care Net in their ministry in Central Texas.


    The mission of The Shepherd's Heart is to feed, clothe, empower, and advocate for families in need in our community, demonstrating to them the love of God. The Mission simply defined is; to fulfill the plans that God has laid out for us in Psalm 82:3-4; “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.” 1% of our receipts go to assist The Shepherd's Heart in their ministry in Waco.


    We join with our local group of men to assist the Texas Baptist men stationed in McClennan county for disaster relief.  The McClennan county disaster relief unit provides relief from flood, fire and wind while addressing the spiritual needs of the victims and also to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Men and women from Central Texas churches volunteer to train, maintain equipment and deploy when they are needed to show the love of Christ to those communities after disaster strikes.   The focus of the local team is chainsaw ministry and mud outs during severe storm damage locally.  1% of our receipts are sent to the local Baptist men to help in ministry in McClennan County, Texas, and beyond.


    The Bible states that we are to pray for the peace of Israel.  One of the best ways to pray for the peace of Israel is to help them discover the Prince of Peace.   Tree of Life Ministries is dedicated to sharing the Good News in Israel online and on the streets, equipping laborers for the harvest.  They have had great success leading Jews and Arabs to the Prince of Peace.   We give 1% of our receipts to this ministry in Israel.  You can discover more about them at treeoflifeisrael.org